Outdoor marathon Bucephalus
Datum: 9 mei 2024
Marathon errors in obstacles
Ronde 1

Nr Category Competitor Obstacle_Number PNTS Description
2Enkelspan Paard klasse ImpulsDulk, den, LIEKE520Correcting an error of course
3Tweespan Paard klasse ImpulsBakker, MICHEL7ELUncorrected error of course
5Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsKloppenburg, BERT72Knocking down collapsable element
7RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBlaauwboer, ASTRID1ELUncorrected error of course
7RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBlaauwboer, ASTRID220Correcting an error of course
7RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBlaauwboer, ASTRID520Correcting an error of course
7RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBlaauwboer, ASTRID620Correcting an error of course
8RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBraaksma, AMBER420Correcting an error of course
10RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBorst, LENA120Correcting an error of course
10RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBorst, LENA360Correcting an error of course
12RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsBelt, SHARONA4ELUncorrected error of course
14RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsTesselaar, SEMMIE140Correcting an error of course
14RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsTesselaar, SEMMIE240Correcting an error of course
14RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsTesselaar, SEMMIE4ELUncorrected error of course
14RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsTesselaar, SEMMIE520Correcting an error of course
16RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsHaijemaije, CHRIS520Correcting an error of course
16RuiterPaard klasse ImpulsHaijemaije, CHRIS720Correcting an error of course
19Sulky Pony klasse ImpulsSjoerdsma, EMMA220Correcting an error of course
19Sulky Pony klasse ImpulsSjoerdsma, EMMA440Correcting an error of course
19Sulky Pony klasse ImpulsSjoerdsma, EMMA580Correcting an error of course
20Tweespan Pony klasse ImpulsAndrea-Luiten, MELISSA420Correcting an error of course
20Tweespan Pony klasse ImpulsAndrea-Luiten, MELISSA520Correcting an error of course
21Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsOss, van, YVETTE420Correcting an error of course
21Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsOss, van, YVETTE6ELUncorrected error of course
22Tweespan Pony klasse Impulsvan IJzerdoorn, HERMAN420Correcting an error of course
22Tweespan Pony klasse Impulsvan IJzerdoorn, HERMAN540Correcting an error of course
26Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsDam, HENK520Correcting an error of course
30Enkelspan Paard klasse ImpulsWalburg, JAN22Knocking down collapsable element
34Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsKramer, ESMEE22Knocking down collapsable element
39Enkelspan Pony klasse ImpulsStoop, BARRY520Correcting an error of course
43Enkelspan Paard klasse ImpulsBouwers (2), CARLIJN220Correcting an error of course
44Tweespan Paard klasse ImpulsVisser, PETER720Correcting an error of course
45Vierspan Paard klasse ImpulsVersterre, MARCO32Knocking down collapsable element
45Vierspan Paard klasse ImpulsVersterre, MARCO3ELUncorrected error of course
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